Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Book report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4
Book report - Essay Example He attended Canterbury school in New Milford for his 8th grade. In 1931, JFK acquired appendectomy that made him withdraw from school in order to recuperate. In June 1935, JFK graduated from Choate regardless of numerous health challenges (Caro 78). In 1935, he made his first trip in the Diaspora together with family members. The destination was London. The main intent was to study economics at the London school of economics. In September 1936, JFK joined Harvard College where he was an active entertainer. He produced a cast of radio personalities. He was also a sportsman in relation to football, golf and swimming. Later on, he became serious with his studies whereby he completed his thesis, ‘Appeasement in Munich’. The thesis was about Britain’s participation in the famous Munich Agreement. He graduated the same year with a Bachelor of Science honours in international affairs. JFK was the 35th president of USA. He served from January 1961 to 1963 following his assassination. He served as commander in the military commanding motor torpedo boats used during the world war two. He took part in the war at south pacific. JFK also represented Massachusetts 11th congressional district in United States House of Representatives. This was between the periods 1947 to 1953. He did this as a democrat. From the year 1953 to 1953, JFK served in the senate of the United States. This was followed by a win over his rival Richard Nixon in the United States general election of 1960. JFK notable achievement was that he was at that time in history the youngest president at the age of 43. This was after President Theodore Roosevelt. Another notable thing about JFK was that he was the first president to attain office being born in the 2oth century. It is also noted that he is the only president who was a roman catholic. JFK also won a Pulitzer Prize, which was among his great achievements. JFK also had an impact to American history due to the many events that characterized
Monday, October 28, 2019
Disorder of Donnie Darko Essay Example for Free
Disorder of Donnie Darko Essay Donnie Darko is an almost confusing film about time travel, schizophrenia and the manipulation of ones fate. The film focuses on a teenage schoolboy named Donnie Darko. Donnie is not mentally healthy but he is very intelligent and has extremely high Iowa test scores. He also has a tendency to hallucinate and do destructive things when sleepwalking, such as flooding his school and burning down a house, due to this he is on strong medication and sees a therapist on a regular basis. After a near death experience, Donnie starts seeing an imaginary friend known as Frank. Frank is a seven foot tall, demonic looking rabbit, who tells him about how the world is going to end and of the possibilities of time travel. Frank saved Donnie from this near death experience by telling Donnie to follow him outside and revealed to him that the world was going to end in 28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes, and 12 seconds. After Donnie was told about the end of the world a plane engine crashed through his house, destroying his bedroom. Luckily Donnie was outside and survived. Donnie also finds love in a new girl to his school named Gretchen Ross. This girl also has a dark past and is somewhat mentally unhealthy as well due to her mother being stabbed four times by her step father. As time goes on Donnie sees more of Frank and more hallucinations, which leads him to think that time travel is possible along with the power to manipulate fate. To prevent all of the negative events Donnie sees himself causing in the future, he goes back in time to stay in his room and die as the plane engine crashes through his home. This prevents a whole butterfly type effect on everyone that surrounds him and the end of the world Frank warns him about. Throughout the movie Donnie is filled with unhappy thoughts and his head is consumed by troubled feelings caused by the prescription pills he takes, although these pills seem to be the only thing that Donnie has to give him a consistent behavior and focus in life. They also open his mind to reality beyond what he normally comprehends. Donnie is tortured by his genius, his fear of death, and struggles with isolating himself brought on by feelings of being rejected for thinking differently or outside the box. Through his genius and reaction to the pills, Donnie saw his destiny and was scared of dying alone so he created Frank to give him direction. With his second chance in life, Donnie went around making sense of peoples lives and destroying things that could make people unhappy such as his corrupt school. Donnie loves people and wants to help them but he fears what everything means in the big picture, and this is why he needs Frank for direction. He then realizes that his choice to live brought more pain, death, and doom than if he had died in the first place. This is why he chose death, he just needed to understand this so he could be at peace. He then feels happy about himself which is why he dies with a smile on his face. Donnie Darkos behavior is very abnormal, he is not like anybody else in his environment. This can mostly be attributed to being a paranoid schizophrenic. Paranoid schizophrenia is one of the most damaging of all mental disorders. It causes its victims to lose touch with reality as Donnie does with his ideas of time travel. They often begin to hear, see, or feel things that arent really there, or hallucinations which Donnie often experiences. They also become convinced of things that simply are not true which are delusions. In the paranoid form of this disorder, they develop delusions of persecution or personal greatness. The first signs of paranoid schizophrenia usually surface between the ages of 15 and 34. There is no cure, but the disorder can be controlled with medications such as Donnie is forced to take. Since Donnie is a paranoid schizophrenic no prior events would have caused his behavior because schizophrenia is thought to be a chemical imbalance in the brain and is not in any way caused by stress, which disregards any idea of post traumatic events causing his behavior, although stress can make the symptoms worse. One example of this is how the near death experience made his symptoms worse. His symptoms included, confusion, inability to make decisions, hallucinations, changes in sleeping habits, energy level, delusions, nervousness, strange statements or behavior, withdrawal from friends, or school, anger, indifference to the opinions of others, a tendency to argue, a conviction that you are better than others, or that people are out to get you. Without medication and therapy, most paranoid schizophrenics are unable to function in the real world. If they fall victim to severe hallucinations and delusions, as Donnie does, they can be a danger to themselves and those around them. This is greatly illustrated by Donnie being forced to take his medicines, and causing harm to others such as when he shoots the kid who hit his girlfriend and flooding the school. It is rather evident that Donnie Darko suffers from paranoid schizophrenia.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Life and Work of Leonardo da Vinci Essay -- Leonardo da Vinci Painter
Life and Work of Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci had a powerful mind and was a very curious and daring boy. Leonardo was so curious about flying, he jumped off a barn with wings that he made by himself. Leonardo loved nature and exploring. He would also like to draw geometrical shapes. Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452 in Vinci, Italy. Vinci was a farming community with hillsides, growing grapes, fruit trees and olives. His mother was a peasant woman and his father was a notary. He was often alone, exploring and experimenting in the hills and other areas of his home. This gave him a bond and a love of nature that is reflected in all his art and sculpture. As a teenager, Leonardo was apprenticed to an artist and sculptor, named Andrea del Verrocchio in Florence. By the age of twenty-one Leonardo was an accomplished painter and sculptor. He painted many portraits of royalty, dukes, duchesses, kings and queens. His most famous portrait is the 'Mona Lisa'. The subject was the wife of a Florentine merchant. Its fame is due to her strange and mysterious smile. It is thought that Leonardo used court jesters to make her smile as he worked. Margaret Livingstone, a present-day authority on visual processing, has a scientific explanation about Mona Lisa's smile. When people look at a face, their eye goes to the eyes, and the peripheral vision, (the side vision), which is less accurate, goes to the other areas of the face. So, when someone looks at the eyes of Mona Lisa, the peripheral vision goes to her mouth, and the shadows painted there by Leonardo suggest to the viewer that "elusive smile". If you just looked at her mouth, she doesn't seem to be smiling at all. With Leonardo's extensive study of optics, this could have been deliberate, adding to h is genius. Leonardo experimented with different types of paints and plaster. This was probably one of the reasons for his interest in these arts, because he left so many works unfinished. Through his painting and sculpture, he found away to pursue his experiments and use the things he learned, and still be accepted by the society he lived in.. By 1503 he worked to aid Florence's war with Pisa. He designed an aqua duct plan to cut off the water to Pisa so that Florence would win the war. He was then established as a creative and talented engineer. He was often in the employ of the Nobility for his ... ... are loose papers, which come from various times of his life, are about the physical and geographical effects of water. Leonardo hoped to write a book about this subject. The Renaissance was a special time in the history of man. The word renaissance means rebirth. The Renaissance came following the Dark Ages. It was an explosion of creativity in art, literature, science and music. Leonardo da Vinci was born in these times. He was known as the "Renaissance Man", because he himself was an 'explosion' of all these things, and brought so much to them. Before the Renaissance, people had to spend their entire lives just struggling to exist. As you can see, Leonardo was a genius. He was extremely open-minded in his thinking. He wanted to know things, just for the sake of knowing them. He put pieces of knowledge together in different and new ways, like pieces of puzzles. His imagination gave him ideas that were hundreds of years ahead of his time. What we can learn from Leonardo is there is always something to discover in learning new things, and that something can be found in looking at something in many different ways. And each person can be many things throughout their lifetime.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Destiny as a Fictive Device in Cats Cradle, Mother Night, and Jailbird
The literary genius of Kurt Vonnegut is evidenced by his ability to weave a story from the most mundane of characters and circumstances into an intricate web of possibilities for his stories by using literary tools such as cause and effect, congruence and destiny. Here we will examine Vonnegut's use of one of these literary tools, destiny as a fictive device, which serves to propel the three following books: Cat's Cradle, Mother Night, and Jailbird. Kurt Vonnegut is a master of fictive devices because he uses them to construct an intricate web of possibilities for his stories to proceed on. Destiny, as the dictionary tells us, is "a predetermined course of events often held to be a resistless power or agency," and in these three novels, Kurt Vonnegut implies that destiny is just the way things are bound to be. Some of the many forms of destiny used by Vonnegut to guide his characters and to shove his stories into the right direction include: destiny for people who don't believe in destiny; such as religious persons, anti-destiny; the idea of what might have been, and predestination; the idea that what happens to you is already decided. In Jailbird, Vonnegut uses a particularly obscure main character named Walter F. Starbuck. Walter F. Starbuck was a normal, law-abiding citizen in his fifties, with a wife and a son who didn't like him, but, by using destiny as a fictive device, Kurt Vonnegut creates an amazing story filled with adventure, love, and betrayal. In the novel Mother Night Vonnegut lays out the life of his main character, Howard W Campbell, Jr., from when he was ... ... "And, inwardly, I sarooned, which is to say that I aquiesed to the seeming demands of my vin-dit."(p137 Cat's Cradle). A vin-dit is "...a Bokononist word meaning a sudden, very personal shove in the direction of Bokononism,..."(p53 Cat's Cradle). By making the character of John believe in destiny, anything that happens, which sounds like destiny, the character will react to. This gives the author more to write about. Kurt Vonnegut is a great author of American literature because of how he uses literary tools to write his exciting stories. Destiny used as a fictive device is the easiest tool Kurt Vonnegut uses to fertilise the lives of his characters, but it is also the most effective. If more teachers taught about how destiny is used as a fictive device, then we would all benefit, as writers and readers.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Keeping Pets
The disadvantages of keeping prairie dogs as pets far outweigh the advantages. But the cuteness factor of these unique creatures keep the pet trade moving along with more and more people wanting prairie dogs as pets. Before you take on one of these animals into your care, you should weigh all of the factors of ownership so there will be no surprises once the prairie dog is in your home. Advantages Without a doubt, the cuteness and uniqueness factors of the prairie dog are what interest people the most.Not very many people have prairie dogs so some individuals might get the thrill of having the only prairie dog or dogs in the neighborhood. Their sweet faces and rounded bodies are adorable which attract many to wanting to own one of these animals. Their compact size also means they don't take up a lot of space unlike larger animals such as dogs. Besides their constant need for companionship, care for the prairie dog is minimal. They require a clean cage, food and water, and toys for pl ay and exercise. They can be litter box trained and can be fed a high-quality rabbit pellet along with other vegetation.Disadvantages Some prairie dogs do adapt to captivity but not very often. They can become friendly and sociable with humans but when they don't bond with their owner, they can become stressed and bite. Because these are social creatures, they require a lot of attention from their owner. When left alone, prairie dogs can become depressed leading to behavioral problems. When prairie dogs are handled properly when young, they can socialize and become unique pets. However, many of these animals have been taken from their wild habitat and do not adjust to captivity.This causes many behavior issues such as depression and biting. Because prairie dogs chew, they can escape many types of cages and when loose in the house, they can cause quite a bit of damage. Prairie dogs can also carry diseases. An outbreak of monkeypox was noted in pet prairie dogs in 2003. Plague can als o be transmitted to humans through prairie dogs. The chance of this occurring is low however; cases of human plague have been reported to the CDC as a result of contact with prairie dogs. Finding a veterinarian that is knowledgeable with these animals can be difficult.If an owner is faced with a sick prairie dog, they may not have anyone who can diagnose the problem until it is too late. One of the biggest disadvantages of owning prairie dogs is the legality issue. Following the reported cases of monkeypox in 2003, laws were specifically made to ban the capture of wild prairie dogs and restrict the travel of existing captive prairie dogs. The new laws have made it illegal to move prairie dogs from one state to another or even within a state. Some states have made it illegal to own these animals. If you are planning on relocating, you have to receive special permission to do so.The law does allow owners to transport prairie dogs only in the case of seeking veterinary care or movement to a shelter to be euthanized. Overall, prairie dogs are not the best choices for pets. They should not be owned by someone who does not have the time to devote to their care and more importantly, they should not be purchased for children. The numbers of prairie dogs in the wild have steadily been declining in recent years. Many believe that should the promotion of prairie dogs as pets continue, their future could end up like the black-footed ferret – an animal which has reached near extinction in the wild.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Taylor McCauslin Essays (1661 words) - Free Essays, Term Papers
Taylor McCauslin Essays (1661 words) - Free Essays, Term Papers Taylor McCauslin Nick Lakostik English 1100 December 10, 2015 Childhood in Modern Society For as long as I can remember, I've wanted several children. Less than a year and a half ago, I was relatively happy. I've always had some degree of self-image issues. But I was happy. I had friends, school was easy, my job was fun, and my family life was amazing. That's when everything started falling apart. My mom started seeing guys in other cities or states, she told me she was moving to another state, work became increasingly stressful, the relationships between each of my friends became strained, and I started pushing aside school to deal with these issues, which only made matters worse. I fell into a severe depression that nobody really knows the extent of. I cried almost every night. And I came very close to committing suicide several times. I developed an eating disorder that I am still battling with and that few people know about. As I continue my education, I am now questioning whether to bring children up in this world. I am not even legally an adult yet and I have gone t hrough more than enough for any teenager. Thus gave rise to a question I am genuinely concerned with the answer to: should I have children? If I chose not to have children, I could focus on myself and helping the world around me. There are way too many negative influences on children these days. No matter where you turn, there is something telling you how to be, look, or feel. In what world should this be acceptable? Nobody should be made to feel unworthy if they don't measure up to what everyone else says they should be. According to Vivek Agarwal and Saranya Dhanasekaran, "A national survey in the US found that children aged 8 to 18 years had an average media usage time of 7 hours and 38 minutes every day (38)." That is outrageous! It wouldn't be so bad, however, if I knew that the media being viewed and engaged in was appropriate and didn't have much chance of negatively influencing the person on the other end of the medium. However, I think it's pretty well known that any and all media in todays' society is highly influential on all of its participants. Agarwal and Dhanasekaran also note throughout their entry that media is related to a multitude of negative aspects, including violence, obesity, abuse of several substances, issues in regards to behavior, and the early onset of sexual desire/actions. I could not imagine putting any child of mine in a situation where they could be exposed to not only so much outside influence, but so much negative influence. I feel like it would be entirely too cumbersome and stressful to even attempt to protect a child, let alone more than one, from all of this. Not to mention those children may view me more as an enemy than anythin g in trying to keep them away from so much common in mainstream society. In Jantine Spilt's article entitled, "Children's Social Self-Concept And Internalizing Problems: The Influence Of Peers and Teachers," she elaborates on how children are impacted by both their instructors and they people they are around on a day to day basis. Split remarkes, "There is thus evidence that social self-concept may, at least partly, account for the prospective effects of peer rejection in the course of internalizing problems (1249)." This statement is terrifying. I could not imagine handing my child off to someone else for an extended period of time at all, let alone someone I'm not entirely sure I can trust. Just knowing what I've gone through thus far in my short existence, nothing would hurt me more than allowing my children to be put into any sort of similar situation where they could be hurt, in any sense of the word. On the other hand, however, I have always wanted the standard 3 to 4 children. I would love to be a mother and have wonderful little versions of me to guide through this crazy world. I want nothing more than to be able to have someone to show love to, and to protect. I'd love to be able to run
Monday, October 21, 2019
Bristoe Campaign in the American Civil War
Bristoe Campaign in the American Civil War Bristoe Campaign - Conflict Dates: The Bristoe Campaign was conducted between October 13 and November 7, 1863, during the American Civil War (1861-1865). Armies Commanders: Union Major General George G. Meade76,000 men Confederate General Robert E. Lee45,000 men Bristoe Campaign - Background: In the wake of the Battle of Gettysburg, General Robert E. Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia withdrew south into Virginia. Slowly pursued by Major General George G. Meades Army of the Potomac, the Confederates established a position behind the Rapidan River. That September, under pressure from Richmond, Lee dispatched Lieutenant General James Longstreets First Corps to reinforce General Braxton Braggs Army of Tennessee. These troops proved critical to Braggs success at the Battle of Chickamauga later that month. Made aware of Longstreets departure, Meade advanced to the Rappahannock River seeking to take advantage of Lees weakness. On September 13, Meade pushed columns towards the Rapidan and won a minor victory at Culpeper Court House. Though Meade hoped to conduct a wide sweep against Lees flank, this operation was cancelled when he received orders to send Major General Oliver O. Howard and Henry Slocums XI and XII Corps west to aid Major General William S. Rosecrans beleaguered Army of the Cumberland. Learning of this, Lee took the initiative and launched a turning movement to the west around Cedar Mountain. Unwilling to do battle on ground not of his own choosing, Meade slowly withdrew northeast along the Orange and Alexandria Railroad (Map). Bristoe Campaign - Auburn: Screening the Confederate advance, Major General J.E.B. Stuarts cavalry encountered elements of Major General William H. Frenchs III Corps at Auburn on October 13. Following a skirmish that afternoon, Stuarts men, along with support from Lieutenant General Richard Ewells Second Corps, engaged parts of Major General Gouverneur K. Warrens II Corps the next day. Though inconclusive, it served both sides as Stuarts command escaped from a larger Union force and Warren was able to protect his wagon train. Moving away from Auburn, II Corps made for Catletts Station on the railroad. Eager to harry the enemy, Lee directed Lieutenant General A.P. Hills Third Corps to pursue Warren.  Bristoe Campaign - Bristoe Station: Racing forward without proper reconnaissance, Hill sought to strike the rearguard of Major General George Sykes V Corps near Bristoe Station. Advancing on the afternoon of October 14, he failed to notice the presence of Warrens II Corps. Spotting the approach of Hills lead division, commanded by Major General Henry Heth, the Union leader positioned part of his corps behind the Orange and Alexandria Railroad embankment. These forces mauled the first two brigades sent forward by Heth. Reinforcing his lines, Hill was unable to dislodge II Corps from its formidable position (Map). Alerted to Ewells approach, Warren later withdrew north to Centreville. As Meade re-concentrated his army around Centreville, Lees offensive drew to a close. After skirmishing around Manassas and Centreville, the Army of Northern Virginia withdrew back to the Rappahannock. On October 19, Stuart ambushed Union cavalry at Buckland Mills and pursued the defeated horsemen for five mi les in an engagement that became known as the Buckland Races. Bristoe Campaign - Rappahannock Station:    Having fallen back behind the Rappahannock, Lee elected to maintain one pontoon bridge across the river at Rappahannock Station. This was protected on the north bank by two redoubts and supporting trenches, while Confederate artillery on south bank covered the entire area. Under increasing pressure to take action from Union general-in-chief Major General Henry W. Halleck, Meade moved south in early November. Assessing Lees dispositions, he directed Major General John Sedgwick to assault Rappahannock Station with his VI Corps while Frenchs III Corps struck downstream at Kellys Ford. Once across, the two corps were to unite near Brandy Station. Attacking around noon, French succeeded breaking through the defenses at Kellys Ford and began crossing the river. Responding, Lee moved to intercept III Corps in the hope that Rappahannock Station could hold until French was defeated. Advancing at 3:00 PM, Sedgwick seized high ground near the Confederate defenses and emplaced artillery. These guns pounded the lines held by part of Major General Jubal A. Earlys division. As the afternoon passed, Sedgwick showed no signs of attacking. This inaction led Lee to believe that Sedgwicks actions were a feint to cover Frenchs crossing at Kellys Ford. At dusk, Lee was proven wrong when part of Sedgwicks command surged forward and penetrated the Confederate defenses. In the assault, the bridgehead was secured and 1,600 men, the bulk of two brigades, captured (Map). Bristoe Campaign - Aftermath: Left in an indefensible position, Lee broke off his movement towards French and began retreating south. Crossing the river in force, Meade gathered his army around Brandy Station as the campaign ended. In the fighting during the Bristoe Campaign, the two sides incurred 4,815 casualties including the prisoners taken at Rappahannock Station. Frustrated by the campaign, Lee had failed to bring Meade to battle or prevent the Union from reinforcing its armies in the West. Under continued pressure from Washington to obtain a decisive result, Meade commenced planning his Mine Run Campaign which moved forward on November 27. Selected Sources Civil War Trust: Battle of Bristoe StationCWSAC Battle Summaries: Bristoe StationBristoe Station Campaign
Sunday, October 20, 2019
3 Questions To Guide Your Marketing Program With Michael Brenner
3 Questions To Guide Your Marketing Program With Michael Brenner Successful marketing takes more than just running ads, publishing articles, and designing newsletters. With so many moving parts, running a successful marketing program can be elusive. So, use a thoughtful and simple framework to cut straight to the heart of what it means and what it looks like to get consistent results. Today, we’re talking to Michael Brenner, the CEO of Marketing Insider Group and co-author of The Content Formula. He shares his global perspective and the secret to success when it comes to content marketing. Michael discovered that he had an aptitude for helping customers at scale Counter-intuitive nature of life applies to marketing; there’s a lot more to marketing than just advertising, which we hate and tune out We perceive marketing in the wrong way; it’s a two-way communication between a company and its customers What type of marketing works? Things that are not selfish, promotional, and interruptive, but aligned to what customers are wanting and what helps them Marketing starts with culture, and growth equates to the amount of empathy a company has for its customers, employees, and world Mission Statement: What is your purpose? Meaning? What do you achieve for the people you touch? Step 1: No matter what you are working on or what role you play in the company, always ask: What’s in it for the customers? Do less promotion in advertising and more content marketing or education Identify the amount of integration and interaction that occurs across the company Step 2: What’s in it for your colleagues? Marketing goes beyond the marketing department; it’s a collaborative and magical effort Step 3: What’s in it for the company? Conversions and ROI of content marketing Culture, empathy, and performance lead to effective and successful marketing Michael tries to do 2 things every day: Be thankful and show empathy (T E) Links: Michael Brenner Michael Brenner on Twitter Marketing Insider Group The Content Formula Jim Stengel’s Grow AMP on iTunes leave a review and send screenshot to If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes by Michael Brenner:: â€Å"If you just help your customers, or help your buyers buy, and answer the questions that they have in that journey, then you can really succeed.†â€Å"There’s a lot more to marketing than just advertising.†â€Å"Selling is helping buyers buy, and marketing is helping buyers buy, as well, but at scale.â€
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Management styles, business ethics & the legal environment of business Essay
Management styles, business ethics & the legal environment of business - Essay Example A manager could not have all these qualities at the onset but should be developed and honed as experience requires. 3. Managers all have different styles of managing. Yes, I believe that managers have different styles of managing and leading depending on different factors: the personality of the manager, the personalities of the subordinates and the situation at hand. Managers could therefore be autocratic, democratic, free-rein depending on these factors and situation. 4. What management style(s) is/are most effective? There is not one effective management style. As emphasized by Martires (181), management or â€Å"leadership style should fit the situation where it is applied. Leaders must consider various organizational factors such as the nature of the task, the amount of authority, and group support to determine which style to adopt†. 5. What management style do/would you practice? In this regard, as a potential manager for UPC, I intent to practice the situational model w here the style of managing would depend on the people I would be working with and on the situation. 6. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a manager. The advantages of becoming a manager are: (1) being instrumental in transforming the organization and the people from where the organization currently is to where it plans to achieve; (2) being accorded the opportunity to develop potentials in people; (3) assuming different roles such as directing, coaching, supporting, and delegating; (4) bridging the gap as the middle person between higher management and subordinates; and (5) assuming a form of power in the organization to influence the behavior of others to bring about desired results. On the other hand, the disadvantages are: (1) being the person to blame in times of organizational errors or deviations from goals; (2) expectations are usually generally high in terms of ability to generate positive results and outputs; and (3) accountability for people under oneâ₠¬â„¢s jurisdiction. 7. How does the size of the business impact the roles & responsibilities of managers? The size of the business significantly affects the roles and responsibilities of managers. For large organizations, for examples, there are more managers assigned in different departments to conform to specific functions: marketing, human resources, operations, finance, among others. In smaller organizations, sometimes, there is a need for only one manager who is expected to assume the tasks and responsibilities for all functions (finance, marketing, human resources) depending on the number of people being managed, the products or services, and the target markets. While doing your research for the management position you run across a memo that confirms that several people who got the vaccine became ill. One of them required hospitalization for two weeks. Medical experts believe the vaccine was the cause of their illnesses. 8. Should you say anything about the memo during your in terview? As a prospective manager, one is expected to be transparent in all undertakings that affect crucial aspects of the organization’s operations. In this situation, if the vaccine was the cause of the illness, all the more that the situation should be elevated to authorized officers of the organizat
Friday, October 18, 2019
Economic Effects of Higher Oil Prices Upon U.S. Households Research Paper
Economic Effects of Higher Oil Prices Upon U.S. Households - Research Paper Example dollar spent, ultimately passing the savings on to consumers. Likewise, when the value of the dollar is low against foreign currencies, something that can happen with sinking interest rates, U.S. dollars buy less oil than before. This, of course, can contribute to oil becoming costlier to the U.S., which consumes 25% of the world's oil (Are oil prices and interest rates correlated?) At the same time some people believe that oil price rise may decrease the automobile use and the decreased automobile use may decrease the demand for oil. In such circumstances, the oil producers may force to decrease the prices of oil. However, the above argument seems to be illogical since oil is a nonrenewable energy source. Oil producing countries definitely know that people cannot avoid the use of their own vehicles for a long time and they will be forced to use it again in the future when they realize that the alternate options are inconvenient. In fact oil companies produces more oil when the oil p rices increases and they produce less when the oil prices come down. They know very well that they will get higher prices in future because of the absence of other feasible energy sources. Dollar value fluctuates heavily in the global market because of the fluctuation in oil prices. "As the dollar declines in value, so does the price of oil in non-dollar terms," said Michael Woolfolk, senior currency strategist at the Bank of New York Mellon. "Consequently, foreigners bid up the price of oil and other dollar-denominated commodities. The result is that the price of crude oil and other commodities rise in dollar terms as the dollar falls in value against other currencies" (Twaronite) Since United States is a superpower and one of the most advanced countries in... As the essay declares people believe that oil price rise may decrease the automobile use and the decreased automobile use may decrease the demand for oil. In such circumstances, the oil producers may force to decrease the prices of oil. However, the above argument seems to be illogical since oil is a nonrenewable energy source. Oil producing countries definitely know that people cannot avoid the use of their own vehicles for a long time and they will be forced to use it again in the future when they realize that the alternate options are inconvenient. In fact oil companies produces more oil when the oil prices increases and they produce less when the oil prices come down. They know very well that they will get higher prices in future because of the absence of other feasible energy sources. Dollar value fluctuates heavily in the global market because of the fluctuation in oil prices. According to the research findings since United States is a superpower and one of the most advanced countries in the world, most of the other countries in the world are currently associated with America in one way or other. American technology is essential for many of the other countries and there are many items exported from America to other countries. On the other hand, America’s dependence on other countries is small and therefore the bargaining power of America would be more than that of other countries.
West Africa the Atlantic Slave-Trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
West Africa the Atlantic Slave-Trade - Essay Example As an outcome Africans were taken to North America, Central America, South America and Caribbean to offer slave labor in gold and silver mines and agricultural plantations growing crops such as cotton sugar and tobacco (Rodney 125). The tarnished commerce of the human being persisted for more than 400 years since the Atlantic slave trade did come to an end in the late 1870’s. Atlantic slave trade was systematized in Europe and about the huge profits made by countries such as England and France. Africans journey from Africa to America across Atlantic Ocean was a terrible one. Africans were crowded like sardines on the slave ships of the Atlantic full of oppression and brutality which they replied nobly (Rodney 125). The precise number of how many Africans were taken from their families to be sold as slaves is not known, but it is estimated that 15 million slaves reached the American continent and the Caribbean island because of Atlantic slave trade. The number of slaves who left Africa soil was much higher than 15 million since some were killed during the brutal process of acquiring the slaves and also some died on board. By the 19th century, there was a modification as people who took the leading role in ill-using Africa. The European Countries themselves were inactive in the slave trade; in its place European who had established themselves in Brazil, North America and Cuba were the ones who planned the trade. America had gained independence from the Britain and it was the new nation of United States of America which played the greatest role in the last 50 years of the Atlantic slave trade, by taking back slaves at a greater value than ever before (Rodney 126). In order to be in a commerce relationship with West Africa, most of the European countries decided to up factories on the coast. A factory in the trading language of the West African coast was a place where European and African products
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Education for Global Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Education for Global Society - Essay Example These rules and techniques strengthen the students' desire to get a particular degree which may not be available in his homeland. Diversity can affect both the environment of the class and the students. The language differences may lead the students to a communication gap. Students belonging to different culture face different problems in accordance to their living standards. The skill level of the students depends upon their origin and culture. Skill levels are greatly enhanced if the standard of the education system is according to their level. For example a student of China would face difficulties while studying in the USA. This is because the student is not able to cope up with the standards of education in USA as he has always studied in the standards of China. He may face difficulties in understanding the language and writing according to the standards in USA. Culture is an important part in the student's lives. If a person belongs to the USA he would have no difficulties in adjusting to the university environment. Similarly a person who is not of the USA culture might face some difficulties in adjusting to the environment. ... In order to provide a safe and sound environment to the students, paraprofessionals who belong to different cultures should be present there. Paraprofessionals of different heritages may help the students to study with accordance to the standards required in a particular university. They may provide the student with a sense of relief and security as the student belonging to different culture might not be feeling that secure with a paraprofessional of different culture. Parents of the students should also be handled properly by the teachers. The teachers should know that what environment and culture do the parents belong and then must treat the parents accordingly. For example the teachers should tell the parents about the environment of the university with accordance to their culture. The teacher should be completely aware of the multicultural students and the teacher should also know about the standards of education of students of different culture. For example the teacher should kn ow about the standards of education of China and should not force the student from China to work on the standards of USA immediately. If the student is being forced to study on a standard of which he is not aware, it is possible that he may suffer from other problems like he may be discouraged by the environment and possibly may quit his efforts to progress. (Opsahl 1996) If a teacher is teaching in a class where students from many different cultures are present he should always be careful about speaking in the right tone and accent so that all the students even who have a different native language can understand what the teacher is commending to
Nutrition to prevent weight loss in stroke patients Essay
Nutrition to prevent weight loss in stroke patients - Essay Example Some cases will allow for the simple determination of nutritional ingredients. Many others are not as easy to deal with. In this essay, an attempt to present corresponding solutions to meet nutritional requirements will be done given the most common scenarios of stroke patients facing the risk of losing weight. Aside from the simple case, the following other situations will be considered: (1) stroke patients with poor appetite due to a damaged ability to chew and swallow normally; (2) poor taste and smell; (3) emotional issues preventing normal food intake; (4) the need for lifestyle change; and (5) stroke patients with chronic conditions. The purpose of including all these is to provide a ready set of guidelines for use when any of these situations are encountered. This essay is taken from the viewpoint of Nurses, Caregivers, and Nutritionists. A Case of Recovery from Stroke Without Complications: Determine Nutritional Requirements. There should be a periodic attempt to determine the stroke patient’s energy requirements in order to achieve a desirable weight. Of course, this is aside from taking BP before and after meals, and whenever there is a need to do so. Knowing the energy requirements will reveal how much calories are needed. Freda Myco (1983, p. 94) noted that â€Å"the energy needs of stroke patients†¦should be assessed in relation to body weight, body build, age, sex, health status, and physical activity levels.†For those who are normal, energy requirements would be about 2000 kcals/24 hours for men and 1,800 kcals/24 hours for women.... Knowing the energy requirements will reveal how much calories are needed. Freda Myco (1983, p. 94) noted that â€Å"the energy needs of stroke patients†¦should be assessed in relation to body weight, body build, age, sex, health status, and physical activity levels.†For those who are normal, energy requirements would be about 2000 kcals/24 hours for men and 1,800 kcals/24 hours for women. A stroke patient should take the right amount of calories to maintain weight. The consequence of too much calories will be weight gain, while lack of calories will turn the patient into a malnourished person with lack of energy to exercise. Since the topic of this paper is about nutrition to prevent weight loss of stroke patients, it should be worth mentioning that Freda Myco (1983, p.95) also clarified that â€Å"Malnutrition is not caused by simply taking too few calories, rather it is the result of a deficiency in the correct mixture of food constituents, vitamins, and minerals.â₠¬ Basic Rules For A Lean, Healthy Body What stroke patients will need is a good eating habit of the right diet containing adequate calories without the unwanted cholesterol. At Body Art, Tanya Lee Sheehan recommends (2008, p. 11) that a person should eat just enough every 3 hours. And the recipe should be â€Å"more lean protein, veggies, fruit and nuts†. There is a reason for eating more often but with less quantity. It gives time for food to be digested first before a new set will need digestion. But her ideas are for people who can still exercise and burn the food they eat through exercises. In the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) of the UN, along with Ann Burgess, Peter Glasauer (2004, p.83), there is a guideline about â€Å"How to help sick
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Education for Global Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Education for Global Society - Essay Example These rules and techniques strengthen the students' desire to get a particular degree which may not be available in his homeland. Diversity can affect both the environment of the class and the students. The language differences may lead the students to a communication gap. Students belonging to different culture face different problems in accordance to their living standards. The skill level of the students depends upon their origin and culture. Skill levels are greatly enhanced if the standard of the education system is according to their level. For example a student of China would face difficulties while studying in the USA. This is because the student is not able to cope up with the standards of education in USA as he has always studied in the standards of China. He may face difficulties in understanding the language and writing according to the standards in USA. Culture is an important part in the student's lives. If a person belongs to the USA he would have no difficulties in adjusting to the university environment. Similarly a person who is not of the USA culture might face some difficulties in adjusting to the environment. ... In order to provide a safe and sound environment to the students, paraprofessionals who belong to different cultures should be present there. Paraprofessionals of different heritages may help the students to study with accordance to the standards required in a particular university. They may provide the student with a sense of relief and security as the student belonging to different culture might not be feeling that secure with a paraprofessional of different culture. Parents of the students should also be handled properly by the teachers. The teachers should know that what environment and culture do the parents belong and then must treat the parents accordingly. For example the teachers should tell the parents about the environment of the university with accordance to their culture. The teacher should be completely aware of the multicultural students and the teacher should also know about the standards of education of students of different culture. For example the teacher should kn ow about the standards of education of China and should not force the student from China to work on the standards of USA immediately. If the student is being forced to study on a standard of which he is not aware, it is possible that he may suffer from other problems like he may be discouraged by the environment and possibly may quit his efforts to progress. (Opsahl 1996) If a teacher is teaching in a class where students from many different cultures are present he should always be careful about speaking in the right tone and accent so that all the students even who have a different native language can understand what the teacher is commending to
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
A Good Way to Pick A Fight Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
A Good Way to Pick A Fight - Term Paper Example I will also express my personal vision on the subject of the reasons of the Cold War beginning. To achieve my goal, I have divided the paper into five basic sections. In the introductory part, the aims of the paper as well as its subject are outlined. Next, a brief synopsis of the author’s research is provided. Further, the major arguments made by Charles Lee Jr. are summarized. After this, I provide personal opinion on the subject of the Cold War and its start. The paper ends with conclusion which sums up what has been discussed in the essay. The article starts with implications of the overtly aggressive attitude displayed by statesmen of the countries – future participants of the Cold War. Specifically, Mee mentions the remarks made by statesmen from the United States and the Soviet Union regarding the spheres of interest in Europe. Besides, the enmity of Churchill, British Prime Minister of the war period, is described (Mee 420). While Truman the then American President talked both impolitely and aggressively with the Russian foreign minister Molotov about Poland, Molotov provocatively said that gaining control over Finland was a trifle. In his turn, Churchill acted in the way hostile to the Soviet Union during the war keeping nearly 700, 000 German captives military ready to fight the Russian army (Mee 420). These Next, Mee describes the positions in the political arena just before the start of the Cold War of the three countries. Russia was inherently led by its fear of outside invasions, so it aimed at fortifying its borders in Europe, which would evolve as creating the iron curtain in years. The United States, inspired by the incredible rise of its economy and its growing influence, aimed at expanding the spheres of interest in the world and taking the leading position. Great Britain, financially exhausted by the war,
America Needs Its Nerds Essay Example for Free
America Needs Its Nerds Essay The socially and physically inept, the outcasts, often associated with computers and books- these characteristics constitute the stereotype of the average geek. Students are afraid to reveal their identities in an environment among their peers because of the fear of being an outcast among the idolized jocks. In an excerpt from America Needs Its Nerds Harvard student and writer Leonid Fridman expresses his disgust for the unjust treatment of individuals who are essential to our country- the geeks. He addresses the American public with a call to action to put geeks into their deserved positions, giving them hope and motivation to express their own identities. Fridman utilizes irony when discussing how even Harvard students are being picked on, as well as the compare and contrast between Americas discouraging treatment of the nerd to East Asia and Chinas praising of them, to represent how the fear of social rejection has forced these mistreated intellects to hide their academic capabilities. Leonid Fridmen is disappointment with the fact that even at Harvard, one of the top Ivy League colleges, students are still picked on because of their levels of intellect. It is ironic that even at one of the top colleges in America where nerds and geeks dominate the realm of the school that anti-intellectualism is rampant. Social standing competes with intelligence even at the most academic institution, showing America that students are ashamed of their intellect because of the negative stereotypes society degraded them with. Fridman also employs irony when referring to get[ting] wasted at parties by describing how nerds avoid damaging their brain and bodies, but are punished socially for not physically hurting themselves. Fridmans call to action addresses the American public as being erroneous in their actions of idolizing the nonintellectual while demeaning the studious intellectuals when he compares Americas academic values to those of East Asias. In America, athletes and celebrities are rewarded and more prevalent in society then those interested in pursuing academics. With these characteristics of our society, it is impossible to compete in the technology rate or be a leading political and cultural force with other countries who encourage academics rather than reject the individuals who excel in it. Fridmans belief of demeaning the intellectual is a continual paradigm in our society today. In 2003, Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected to be the Governor of California; however, it was primarily for his name recognition as a body builder and film star, lacking any experience working in government. Although Schwarzenegger lacked the intellectual knowledge he needed, he was elected because the public idolized him. The public is more interested in the media and athletics and neglect to realize the important impact researchers and intellects have on our world. Colleges pay college athletic coaches more than the professors working at an institution. Americans pay more on professional sports then they do to fund cancer research or education. As USA Today wrote, You can get a Nobel Prize at your university and you wont get anywhere near that attention. And so I think between the public and the media, they are telling us what they value. The public is involved, and often times addicted, to athletes or social media and reject the academically motivated as outcasts from the ideal society. Unfortunately, this public is unaware of the capabilities of academic achievement and the progress it has brought us in our world.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Indus Motors Company (IMC) Analysis
Indus Motors Company (IMC) Analysis Introduction This Research and Analysis report is based on an analysis of Indus Motors Company (IMC) over a period of three years. IMC is engaged in sole distributorship of Toyota and Daihatsu Motor Company Ltds vehicles in Pakistan through its dealership network. Reasons for Choosing the Topic and the Company: Selecting one project out of twenty available projects by Oxford Brookes University (OBU) was a difficult task. After in-depth analysis of all the available options, I finally selected .The business and financial performance of an organization over a three years period as I used to feel lot more comfortable in this area during my studies and this was suggested by my mentor as well. It was totally in correlation with my studies and during our studies were supposed to excel at accounting techniques like Ratio Analysis and business techniques like Porters Five Forces Analysis and SWOT analysis. Due to a personal interest in automobiles, I choose Automobile Sector of Pakistan which is considered as mother of all industries of Pakistan. The rise in automobile production has resulted from an increased domestic demand and generating over 150,000 direct employment opportunities. For the sake of RAP I selected Indus Motor Company limited (IMC). IMC is a joint venture between the House of Habib, Toyota Motor Corporation Japan (TMC) , and Toyota Tsusho Corporation Japan (TTC) for assembling, progressive manufacturing and marketing of Toyota vehicles in Pakistan since July 01, 1990. Project Objectives Each type of analysis has a purpose or use that determines the different relationships emphasized in that analysis. (Weston Copeland, 1992,pp 178) The objective of this project is to assess the business and financial performance of IMC over a period of three years ending 30th June 2010 and comparison of its performance with one of its competitors, Atlas Honda Limited. The aims and objectives of this research and analysis project are to To analyze the company and the sector in which it exists. To evaluate the performance of the company in terms of: Profitability; to assess a firms ability to create economic value in excess of value expended, to grow, remain solvent and repay debt. To judge the liquidity of the company and evaluate the financial risk. To assess the debt and capital structure of the company by calculating debt equity ratios and interest cover. To carry out the investors analysis in terms of earning per share. To Carry out SWOT analysis. To study the companys market position by using porters five forces model. To conclude the current situation and prospects of companys business and financial position and to suggest the improvements ( (Accessed 7th April 2010) Research Question In order to ensure my project has the appropriate structure and that I have clear objectives, I highlighted the same questions Shane Johnson (2006) mentioned in his famous article how not to rap myself which states: What is my research question/title of my project? What is the underlying theory? What methods will be used to gather information about the topic? How will the analysis be carried out? What conclusions can be drawn from the analysis? What are the key elements that I should present to my mentor? What have I learned from the process? ( (Assessed 2nd April 2010) Overall Research Approach I started my project by reading all the information available on the website of ACCA about the OBU degree. After carefully thinking over the available list of projects and consulting with my mentor, I selected The business and financial performance of an organization over a three year period. I started working on the project by setting objectives of the project and by identifying which techniques to be used and I consulted many course and referencing books before start working on the project. Then I started working on the organization by collecting all the relevant data useful for the project. I used secondary sources like newspapers, articles, internet, anylists reports, and annual reports of IMC and the competitor HAL, etc to get the required information. I had to assure reliability of the source of information throughout the information collection process and details of sources were saved by me for the referencing purpose. Meanwhile I conducted three formal meetings with my mentor during working on my RAP. In each meeting I used to show him my research and working till date. My mentor also guided me on various techniques and also referred to few books and resources that were relevant to my research. After completing my project, I had to give my mentor a fifteen minutes presentation on the project, and after his final approval I finally submitted it to OBU. Information gathering and Accounting/Business techniques used 2.1 Sources of Information and Methods used to collect it I had to collect data mainly from secondary sources to undertake the project.. Secondary Data Secondary data is data which has been collected by individuals or agencies for purposes other than those of our particular research study. Source ( (Accessed 5th October 2010) I started looking for secondary data from news papers, Companies profile from website, business magazines and journals for competitors and industry reports and industry position of main competitor HAL. Annual Reports were the most reliable source for my RAP and I used audited financial statements for calculating the key ratios relevant to my project and also extract relevant information from annual report to analyze the key strengths and weaknesses of the company. Internet search engines helped me a lot to provide me most relevant and easily accessible information in a timely manner. Information about the overall economic condition of the country and the sector of the company was easily available and was very useful. Companys official website was also very helpful to get the latest authentic information. Some of Analyst Reports with other hard form materials like Business Recorder, daily newspapers etc were also reviewed to benefit from their findings and recommendations. I also used BPP and FTC study material student accountant and refer other management books. Limitations of Information gathering The major limitation about gathering data is that 100% accuracy cannot be guaranteed and there is always a small chance that the source is not reliable and the information gathered is inaccurate. Ethical Issues during Information gathering While dealing with all the information to conduct the RAP I was supposed to strictly follow ACCAs code of ethics. During the research I came across few ethical issues which had to be addressed Research participants must be fully informed about the procedures and risks involved in research and must give their consent to participate; so I had to gain the permission of the people who I was studying to conduct research involving them. Ethical standards also require that researchers not put participants in a situation where they might be at risk of harm as a result of their participation thus I had to be careful about using word sensitive or difficult questions during interviews. Accounting/Business Techniques used and their Limitation I used different business and accounting techniques to conduct my RAP. They are discussed below one by one with their limitations The Ratio Analysis This is the measure of inter relationship between different sections of the financial statements which then is compared with the budgeted or forecasted results, prior year results and or the Industrial results. Profitability For shareholders, employees, creditors, investors, management. Liquidity For shareholders, management, suppliers, creditor and competitors. Efficiency For management, shareholders, creditors and competitors. Gearing For shareholders, lenders, creditor and potential investors. Investment For shareholders, potential investors, management. P2-Corporate Reporting (International) BPP, 2005 pg.223 Limitations Operating and accounting policies differ from firm to firm. Ratios are static and do not consider future trends. Many firms engaged in multiple lines of business so comparing ratios may be meaningless. (Shim Siegel,2007 pp.34) Historical costs not suitable for decision making Different accounting methods may be used by individual firms making up the industry sample. Industry figures may be biased by few large firms within the sample. Different capital structures and size Strategic Business Planning and Development (3.5) FTC, 2005 pg.196. The SWOT Analysis: David (2002), describes SWOT as an analysis that can be used to measure an organizations competencies and identify opportunities to taken by business management in the future. When looking at your strengths, one should make a list of all the things that can be done well. Identify weaknesses as part of SWOT analysis and one will be on the first step to success. One of the places to look for opportunities is we to our competitors. Scanning market, industry or environment for unforeseen threats is an important part of the SWOT process. Limitations of SWOT It can provide useful information about company but as with all toll analysis it will not supply strategic decisions. Strengths and weaknesses may not be readily translated in to opportunities and sometimes in SWOT analysis same factor can be identified as both strengths and weaknesses. A company may also have difficulty identifying opportunities and opportunities may be easy to overlook or may be identified long after they can be exploited. Similarly, a company may have difficulty anticipating possible threats in order to effectively avoid them. (Anthony Henry, 2008) Source 🙠 (Accessed 15th October 2010) Porters Five Forces Analysis The pure competition model does not present a viable tool to assess an industry. Porters Five Forces model is a tool used by companies that deconstructs the industry structure in to five underlying competitive forces. Bargaining power of suppliers Bargaining power of customers Threat of new entrants The threat of substitutes Competitive rivalry (Nemati Barko, 2001 pp.29) The conventional interpretation of Porters framework emphasized that rivalry and competition as the key components of the strategy. ( Hax wilde,2001 pp.42) Source:( (Accessed 26th October 2010) Limitations of Five Forces Model: The model was designed for analyzing individual business strategies. It does not cope with synergies and interdependencies within the portfolio of large corporations. The model does not address the possibility that an industry could be attractive because certain companies are in it. Some people claim that environments which are characterized by rapid, systemic and radical change require more flexible, dynamic or emergent approaches to strategy formulation. P3-Business Analysis: BPP 2008 pg.108 Business Analysis, Conclusion and Recommendations 3.1 Organisations History, Profile Indus Motor Company (IMC) is a joint venture between the House of Habib , Toyota Motor Corporation Japan (TMC) , and Toyota Tsusho Corporation Japan (TTC) for assembling, manufacturing and marketing of Toyota vehicles in Pakistan since July 01, 1990. IMC had sole distributorship of Toyota and Daihatsu Motor Company Ltd Vehicles in Pakistan through its dealership network. IMC was incorporated in Pakistan as a (PLC) in December 1989 and started commercial production in May 1993. The shares of company are quoted on the stock exchanges of Pakistan. Toyota Motor Corporation and Toyota Tsusho Corporation have 25 % stake in the company equity. The majority of shares owned by House of Habib an investment group of Pakistan. IMCs manufacturing plants are located near Karachi which is industrial hub of Pakistan at Port Bin Qasim. Source:( (Accesses 30th October 2010) Business Recorder 14th May, 2009 Products: Companys plant in Pakistan is the only site throughout the world where both brands Toyota and Daihatsu are being manufactured.IMCs Product line includes 6 variants of the newly introduced Toyota Corolla, Toyota Hilux Single Cabin 42 and 4 versions of Daihatsu Cuore and newly imported vehicle like Toyota Camry. Source: ( Source 🙠 (Accessed 20th October 2010) The Sectors Overview The Pakistani auto sector has played a significant role in the growth and development of the local economy in terms of revenue generation, foreign exchange, human resource development and technology transfer. Automobiles companies are growing along with industry and all the manufacturers are putting hard efforts to increase their production capacity to meet consumers demands.Prodouction was constant throughout 90s around 45000 but due to consistent policies and increasing power of buyer industry boomed to over 120000 units/annum on just four years to 2003/04. According to the statistics of 2006-07 there were 82 vehicle assemblers in the industry producing passenger cars, light commercial vehicles, trucks, buses, tractors and 2/3 wheelers. Besides these there were over 600 players in the vendor industry. The total employment in the sector was over 192,000 with a total investment of over Rs.98 billion. The auto industry has played a significant role in the large scale manufacturing ind ustry as it contributed $3.6 billion to the economy besides import substitution resulting in annual foreign exchange savings of over $ 1 billion. Source :( (Accessed 25th October 2010) The Ratio Analysis: The ratio analysis undertaken is based on the data collected from Annual Reports of Indus Motor Company Limited for the financial year ended 30th June 2010, FY09 and FY08 and that of Honda Atlas Cars (Pakistan) Limited for the finance year ended 31st march 2010,FY 09 and FY 08. . 3.3.1 REVENUE GROWTH The revenue in 2010 according to audited financial reports is 60.09 billion 58.7% higher than in 2009 where as it was 37.84 billion (8.6%) lower than in 2008. (Appendix A) This sharp increase in revenue is mainly due to healthy agricultural income from the farming community and a little increase in auto finance sector.Govt of Pakistan more tightened policy of used imported cars which gives a relief to the industry and the reduction of 5% in excise duty in federal budget 2009/10 which passed to the customers immediately in the form of price reduction. During the year the 2009/10 industry witnessed sharp rise in locally manufactured Passengers and commercial vehicles which grew up to 43% to 141654 units as compared to 99310 units in 2008/09 which lead the production up to 37% higher as compare to 2008/09 and this is mainly because of the Govt tightened policies for second hand imported vehicles. (IMC Annual Report FY10) Profitability Ratios: A class of financial metrics that are used to judge the business capability to generate profits as compare to its expenses and some other relevant costs within a specific period of time. (Kaplan Study Text FR) Shareholder, investors and other stakeholders like management have particularly focused on the profitability of the organisation. These ratios have key importance between majority of stakeholders. Gross Profit Ratio: Gross profit known as the organisation paying additional expenses and savings for coming years also known as gross margin. (Kaplan Study Text FR) In 2010 Gross margin increased to 27.86% as compare to FY09.One of the reasons of this increase is that Pakistan economy showing a modest signs of recovery from recession and sharp increase in demand of passenger and commercial vehicles. Although the gross sales 60 billion RS in FY10 sets all time new records for the company but there is still decline in Gross Margin of (16.12%) when we compare with FY08 where it was 9.3%.The main reasons behind that is the consistent pressure from the Govt to reduce the selling prices, backdrop of rising interest rates,weakning Pak Rupee against YEN, high inflationary conditions, and frequent disruptions to the business cause of shortage of power and terrorist attacks, all of these factors effects the entire supply chain of the company and pushed the manufacturing price to a new highest level and limited the companys ability to pass the increase to the customers. These above mentioned reasons becomes the main reason of erosions of margins. (IMC Annual Report 2010) Honda Atlas gross profit margin had a negative growth in FY10 and reached at (1.5%) as compared to 1.2% and 4.3% in FY09 and FY08 respectively. Where as IMC gross profit had a growth of 28.56% as compare to sharp decline of (34.4%) in FY09. As clear by above data, IMC performance regarding gross profit was far better than its competitor. (Appendix A) Net Profit Margin: Net profit margin measures how efficiently company has controlled its over head. (Kaplan Study Text FR) In highly challenging business environment,IMC has delivered satisfactory financial and operational performance in FY10.The companys net profit increased to 3.44 billion a 54.05% increase as compare to FY09 where it was 1.38 billion a (32.73%) decrease as compare to FY08.The main reasons behind the sharp increase of 54.05% in net profit is due to an incremental increase of 16750 units of Corollas sales volume through extensive marketing efforts. During the FY10 IMC outstandingly reduce their fixed costs which increase the overall profitability despite weakening PAK Rupee and increased manufacturing costs. (IMC Annual Report 2010) When we have a glance at net profit/loss of HAL, the net profit margin decrease to (5.4%) in FY10 where it was (2.8%) in FY09.HAL was having a positive growth of .5% in FY08. Return on capital employed (ROCE): ROCE is a measure that shows how efficiently assets of the company have been utilized to get return from them. It is essentially the net assets of the company. ROCE of IMC has moved in between 19 to 41% between FY08 TO FY10..This is mainly because of massive increase of income of the company in FY10 along with tightened financial controls and efficient and effective management of its various risks exposures. On the other hand HAL utilisation of capital resources are not showing a good picture where ROCE in FY10 had declined to (16.1%) as compare to (9.2%) in FY09 which is mainly because of operating loss of (5.2 billion RS).ROCE was having a positive growth at 8% in FY08. (IMC Annual Report FY10) Liquidity Ratios Liquidity ratios indicate an organisations ability to meet its short term financial obligations. Most commonly evaluated ratios are current ratio and quick ratio calculated as follows. Current Ratio: .IMC was having a ratio high of 2.6 in (FY08).In( FY09) the current ratio fall drastically to 1.7 times. There was a significant increase in current assets in FY09 specially in cash and bank balances which rose from 9664 million to 16715 million and stock in trade from 2637 million to 4088 million but there was a more than proportionate increase in current liabilities from 3779 million to 9884 million mainly due to advances from customers a 628% increase as compare to FY08.The current ratio in FY10 did not improve it remains at FY09 level 1.7 times because of proportionate increase in current assets and current liabilities. (IMC Annual Report FY10) (Appendix A) HAL current ratio was near to 1 in FY08 (.8 times ) which was not as bad because it remains close to industry average of 1.It got worse in FY09 (.7 times) and (.6 times) in FY10 which is not a good indicator for short term creditors. (HAL Annual Reports FY10) Quick ratio: Quick ratio also known as acid test ratio eliminates the effect of inventory from the current ratio. Quick ratio behaves the same way as to current ratio was 1.8:1 in (FYO8) before declining to (1.3:1) in FY09 and remains constant at the same level in FY10.Although there is a sharp increase in current liabilities in FY10 from 9884 million to 1422 million but the current assets on the other hand (excluding inventory) moved almost the same proportion. Over all quick ratio is reasonable and company is in sound position to meet its liabilities from most liquid resources for example cash and bank balances and receivables. (IMC Annual Reports FY10) (Appendix A) Quick ratio of HAL is very low as to industry average and remains constant for the past three years at (0.20:1).This shows that HAL is not having enough liquid resources to pay its current liabilities even. This low current ratio can be seen as the going concern problem for HAL in near future if this situation sustain as it is. (HAL Annual Reports FY10) (Appendix B) Overall liquidity condition of IMC is far better than that of HAL. Working Capital Ratios Working capital ratios also known as efficiency ratios reduce the risk for lenders and enable management to increase the productivity and business profits. (Kaplan Study Text FR) Days Accounts Receivable: IMC receivables days decreased from 12 days in FY08 to 17 days in FY09 and decreased further to 10 days in FY10.This reduction in receivable days pointed towards the better effective and controlled credit policy. HAL on the other hand does not have trade debts at all in their balance sheet. This reflects their policy to only deal in cash. Days Accounts Payable: Creditor turnover ratio shows how many days an organisation takes to pay its short term obligations and how much it depends on trade credit for short term financing. (Kaplan Study Text FR) Creditor turned out cost of sales in FY10 is 39 days almost at the same level in FY09 but increased when we compare with FY08 where it was 28 days. This improvement in payments pointed towards the strong and healthy relationship with lenders and suppliers of raw material and longer the days payable better for the cash flow. (Appendix A) HAL days accounts payable increased significantly 79 days to 124 days between FY08 and FY10.Taking in account of HAL current year financial performance it is apparent that company is struggling to pay its creditors and taking too long as compare to its main competitor IMC which is not a good news for creditors and shareholders as well. (Appendix B) Debt/ Solvency Ratios IMC is All-Equity Company with a zero long-term debt. This is a plus point in the current economic situations as company doesnt have to pay fixed cost of interest on long term borrowings. (IMC Annual Report FY 10) Gearing Ratio: As being all equity funded IMC manages to perform well in the crucial economic time and leave its competitors behind.IMC does not have any long term debt included in their capital structure making companys gearing ratio nil. On the other hand it has some disadvantages as well, the companys capital structure is not at optimum level and company is ignoring cheap sources of finance (long term debt) as to equity. (Appendix A) HAL is not all equity financed company and have long term debts on their balance sheet which results in a high finance costs. These high finance costs pushed company from profits into losses.HAL gearing level increased from 35% to 105% between FY08 and FY09 this increase was mainly due to increase in debt which rose from 500 thousands to 1500 thousands. The ratio decline to 93% in FY10 but still high as compare to industry norms. (Appendix B) This high gearing ratio could cause serious liquidity problems and could seen as a going concern threat but the parent company Honda Motors Japan will continue to provide the liquidity support to HAL and on that basis directors does not see any threat of this serious liquidity problems as a going concern threat and company will carry on its operations in foreseeable future. (HAL Annual Reports FY10) Interest Cover Ratio: Interest cover shows how many times, the profit before interest and tax covers interest amount. Its a measure of how adequately company profit could cover up its interest payments on debts. (Kaplan Study Text FM) IMC results are very healthy and reached at the level 1284 time in FY08 mainly because of very low finance charge of RS 2.7 million. It reduced drastically in FY09 from 1284 times to 78 times mainly because of enormous increase in finance charge from 2.7 million to 26.5 million due to loss on revaluation on foreign exchange contracts, sharp increase in mark up on advance from customers which rise from 2.8 million from FY08 to 8.8 million in FY09 , and high interest rates. It is at its all time high in FY10 at 1467 times. The main reasons behind that impressive increase are the best ever financial performance of the company and reduction in finance cost through unrealised gain on revaluation of foreign exchange contract of 96 million approximately which is quiet commendable as it guarantees good rating of the company. (Appendix A) (IMC Annual Reports FY10) Interest cover ratio at HAL was positive but very low at 1 time in FY08 before got worse in FY09 at (2) times in (FY09) and remains constant at the same level in FY10. It shows that company is facing difficulties to meet its long term financial obligations. These drastic results of profitability ratios of HAL could threaten its credibility to raise more finance in near future. (Appendix B) (HAL Annual Reports FY10) Investors Ratios: The earnings per share (EPS) of a company indicates profit after tax attributable to equity shares of a company. (Kaplan Study Text FR) The EPS of IMC was RS.29.15 in FY08 before dropping down to RS. 17.62 in FY09 due to fall in earnings of the company because of recession in the overall automobile market globally and locally. However (EPS) up by 138% from RS.17.62 to RS.41.9 due to highest ever car sales of 50.8k units as compared to 34.1k units in FY09.IMC achieved 100% capacity utilization of its manufacturing plant since it started its operations in FY10. This is due to increasing liquidity in rural areas and Govt institutions that continued buying Corolla. These increased and recovered car sales remained one of the main reasons behind such a high growth in earnings. Due to increased car sales,liquidity position improved as company was having 16 billion cash on its balance sheet as compare to 9.7 billion in FY09.Company invested this surplus cash in high yielding bank deposits which becomes the main reason of significant increase in other income from RS.727 million to RS.1.25 billion in FY10 and increased the ove rall earnings of the company. (Appendix A) Source:( Assessed:( 10th November 2010) HALs EPS declined more in FY10 to (RS.5.97) from (RS.2.81) in FY09.This was due to loss after tax of (RS.852.2 million) in FY10.The main reasons attributed to the loss are under utilisation of capacity and depreciation of Pak Rupee as to Japanese Yen.HAL did increase the sale prices in line with the market condition to overcome these problems but this was not enough for complete recovery.EPS was RS.55 in FY08. (Appendix B) (HAL Annual Report FY10) The SWOT Analysis: SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in IMC. Strengths: IMC is a joint venture between House Of Habib and Toyota Tusho Corporation LTD Japan. Toyota is a global organization with representation of more than 170 countries . Toyota has becomes the industry leader for maximizing profits through lean manufacturing system and waste reduction methods.IMC has a very well experienced, talented and diversified management team and IMC has the strongest dealership network within the country and during the FY10 a new 3s dealership was launched in Lahore and Faisalabad to strengthen the business with this addition IMC dealership consists of 32 outlets throughout the country with market share of 34.5%.IMC commitment to provide excellent customer services have been acknowledged by Toyota Motor Corporation and awarded the Customer Service Excellence Award 2009. (IMC Annual Report FY10) Source : ( ( Assesses 🙠12th November 2010) Weaknesses; IMC is all equity financed company with zero long term debt.IMC financial results for FY10 for sales and profits are at all time high however it is not likely that company will carry on the same momentum for near future. Moreover company is not investing considerably in new projects and plants.IMC is utilizing its manufacturing capacity at full and unless the margins increased significantly or they increased their capacity by installing new manufacturing plants it will be quiet likely that the earning momentum will not be the same as FY10. Source 🙠 Assess 🙠15th November 2010) Opportunities : Pakistan automobile industry for LCV and PC is growing at the rate of 43%. In Pakistan context there are 8 cars in 1,000 persons which is one of the lowest in the emerging economies which itself speaks of high potential of growth in the auto sector and more in the car production. Rising per capita income with changing demographic distribution and an anticipated influx of 30 to 40 million young people in the economically active workforce in the next few years provides a stimulus to IMC to expand and grow.As the environmental protection awareness is rising in Pakistan slowly, IMC has the opportunity to introduce Hybrid cars in Pakistan to meet the needs of environment friendly people. (IMC Annual Report, FY10) Source :( Assess :(16th November 2010) Threats: Pakistan domestic auto industry has barely started recovery from global financial crunch and currently facing lots of challenges.Govt has recently signed Afghan Transit Trade Agreement and it is very important to implement the agreed safeguard otherwise it would cause a serious threat to t
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Free Narrative Essays - Trip Through The Soft Soft Sand :: Personal Narrative Essays
Trip Through The Soft Soft Sand It was a warm, dry summers day in the great bowl of Nevada's desert when I made my grave error. We learn from our errors, so in some cases it doesn't hurt to make them provided there is not a permanent repercussion from your mistake. I have a rock that reminds me of this incident and I would like to tell you how this rock resembles my experience. Jamie(my girlfriend) and I were returning on a Sunday afternoon from a very successful and safe caving trip to the Great Basin National Park. The weather was just right for traveling and we were reminiscing about all of the beautiful natural formations we saw underground. Caving is a very exciting sport, upon entering a cave you leave the mundane world behind and enter a wonderful wonderland. From the commonly known stalactites and stalagmites to the lesser known soda straws and cave bacon. After a few days of exploring caves in the park we were ready to head home. With tired muscles and dusty bodies we were ready for warm showers and soft beds. Upon exiting the park and traveling along the long strait path of the highway home we spotted a dark hole in a rock formation along the side of the road. Being true cavers and adventurous types we decided we had to poke our heads in to take a look around. I veered off the road in started heading in the direction of the rock formation. Unfortunately although driving along what seemed to be tracks I was getting myself deeper and deeper into very soft sand. This was my mistake, traveling along a path that was untested and the whereabouts of the destination unknown. "Are you sure you know what you are doing" said Jamie as the tires began to spin more and more in the soft particles of sand. "Sure, don't you see the tracks in the sand? Others have been this way, and hey, if they can do it, why can't we?" I said this half heatedly based on the fact that I was moving slower and slower as we progressed. Seeing that we were close enough to the precipice I stopped the car
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Use Of Literary Elements :: essays research papers
Use of Literary Elements There are many important elements to The Catcher in the Rye but there are two that stand out from the rest by a great margin. These elements of the novel are the message that the book gives to reader as well as the style of writing that J.D. Salinger uses while writing the book. The messages can be seen clearly and are very important to the book, but they are not an original theme for a book. What does set the ideas in this book apart from other books with the same theme is the writing style that Salinger uses in the book; this writing style is called stream of consciousness writing. Stream of consciousness writing is a type of writing that is not typically used in books because of its well defined limits. These limits are that when using stream of consciousness narration, the story line is required to revolve around one and only one main character if the writing is to be effective. With S. of C. writing it is also required that the author develop the main character extremely well into a very believable person both emotionally and physically through thoughts and actions. To write an effective book in this writing style an author must be exceptionally talented, and thankfully Mr. Salinger is just that. The S. of C. writing style is used effectively with the character of Holden Caulfield in The Catcher in the Rye because the story line Mr. Salinger developed follows Holden specifically as well as the fact that the subject matter of the book is one of an personal nature. The ideas in the book are presented as thoughts of Holden through out the story. These topics include the fakeness of the world, as well as the rebellion against the world that many teenagers have. Holden does not like the phonies in the world and constantly voices his opinion about it as well. The rebellion against the world in not a conscious thing that Holden does but it is apparent in the story line of the book. An example of this rebellion is the constant use of profanity in the book. Salinger makes good use of the constant profanity to show this rebellion but because of HoldenÕs character it is not out of context. Because Holden is upper-middle class and educated he used profanity to exemplify points that he is trying to make, not because he is swearing out of anger.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Sample for Meeting Minutes
Minutes of Meeting of Events Organizer Team Date: 1 Nov 2012 Time: 12: 00 p. m. Venue: Bilik Kuliah 2, PBPI Present: 1. Phang Yuen Jun 2. Juani Eyat Juleng 3. Tiang Leh Mei 4. Tan Hooi Gia 5. Kanagah A/P Raman 6. Siti Fatimah Abduh Razak 7. Yap Paul Yin 8. Sam Chee Xin In attendance: Madam Nadiah bt Zainal Abidin 1. 0 Objective Determination The team discussed about the objectives and event to be held. As a result, the team decided to organize a new year party for 2013. 2. 1 Event Description Title: 2013 New Year Celebration Party Objectives: To celebrate and welcome the new year with UTeM big family and the community * To promote the interaction between UTeM citizens and non- UTeM citizens * To promote and introduce UTeM to the community Venue: Main Hall, Main Campus, UTeM Attendee: Anyone (Al l UteM Citizens and outsiders) 2. 0 Roles Distribution in the Team The roles of the team were determined according to individual’s willingness and team’s agreement. The roles dis tribution is as below: Chairman: Siti Fatimah Abduh Razak Secretary: Tiang Leh Mei Treasurer: Tan Hooi Gia Food and beverage: Juani Eyat Juleng (decide the menu)Set Designer: Phang Yuen Jun Event Planner: Kanagah A/P Raman Publicity: Sam Chee Xin Sponsorship: Yap Paul Yin 3. 0 Other items to be discussed and decided The chairman asked the team members to do research on their individual role’s corresponding tasks. For the coming meeting, each of the members is able to propose his or her plan for the food menu, set design, events and publicity. They need to plan for the budget for each related field too. 4. 0 Date of next meeting The next meeting will be scheduled on 8th Nov 2012, 11am at Bilik Kuliah 2, PBPI. 5. 0 Closing addressThe chairman summarized the decision made in the meeting and thanked the advisor and the team members for having commited themselves to the project. The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p. m. UTeM Events Organizer Team-2013 New Year Celebration Party AGEN DA Date: 8th Nov 2012 Time: 11:00 a. m. Venue: Bilik Kuliah 2, PBPI Order of business: 1. Chairman’s address 2. Minutes of the previous meeting 3. Matters arising out of the minutes 4. Reports from each sub-committees: * Food and beverage * Set Designer * Event Planner * Publicity * Treasurer * Sponsorship 5. Special business 6. Any other business 7. Date, time and place of next meeting 8. Close
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Introduction to Duty of Care in Health, Social Care or Children’s
CT235: Introduction to duty of care in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings (level 2) Overview Introduction The assignment for unit CT235 asks you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the principles for duty of care in health, social care or children’s and young peoples settings. The assignment is designed to ensure that by completing all the tasks, you will meet the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for this unit. Tasks There are three tasks to this assignment. Task A : short answer questions Task B: complete table Task C : short answer questions Task A: 1.Understand how duty of care contributes to safe practice Please answer the following: 1. What does duty of care mean in adult settings? (Ref:1. 1) The duty of care is a legal obligation imposed on an individual requiring that they adhere to a standard of reasonable care. It applies to everyone, organisations, even if not directly involved with the person and ensur es the safeguarding of you and others whom you support. 2. Describe how this affects your own job role (Ref 1. 2) We are here to ‘look after’ vulnerable adults and we have a duty to protect and serve the service users to the best of our ability. Related reading: Explain Legal and Organisational Requirements for Dealing With ComplaintsTask B: 2. Know how to address conflicts or dilemmas that may arise between an individuals rights and your duty of care Complete the following table: Example of potential conflict or dilemma (Ref: 2. 1)Where to get additional support and advice (Ref 2. 2) 1. A resident who is refusing to eat or drink anything Try to persuade them to eat or drink, calmly explain the importance of them eating and drinking, if that fails report to a senior member of staff and document the situation. 2. A resident who is being violent, abusive or un-cooperative.Give them time to calm down , be patient and try and make them feel safe and supported. Maybe there’s a reason behind the abuse and violence? Try and get to the bottom of it?. Talk to a senior member of staff and document the episodes maybe there’s a pattern. 3. A resident is refusing to shower or wash or have their clothes changed. Calmly expla in the importance of washing and personal hygiene see if it helps if not document and report to a senior member of staff. Task C: 3. Know how to respond to complaints. For this task please explain the following: 1.The main points of agreed procedures for handling complaints in adult settings (3. 1) Policies and procedures are in place to be followed, we have a complaints procedure which is easily accessible to service users and their prospective families. We have them easily accessible so that the service users know that they have a right to have an opinion and there are ways for them to be heard. 2. How would you respond to a complaint (3. 2) Following the complaints procedure I would report the complaint to a senior member of staff and document the complaint as necessary. Introduction to Duty of Care in Health, Social Care or Children’s CT235: Introduction to duty of care in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings (level 2) Overview Introduction The assignment for unit CT235 asks you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the principles for duty of care in health, social care or children’s and young peoples settings. The assignment is designed to ensure that by completing all the tasks, you will meet the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for this unit. Tasks There are three tasks to this assignment. Task A : short answer questions Task B: complete table Task C : short answer questions Task A: 1.Understand how duty of care contributes to safe practice Please answer the following: 1. What does duty of care mean in adult settings? (Ref:1. 1) The duty of care is a legal obligation imposed on an individual requiring that they adhere to a standard of reasonable care. It applies to everyone, organisations, even if not directly involved with the person and ensur es the safeguarding of you and others whom you support. 2. Describe how this affects your own job role (Ref 1. 2) We are here to ‘look after’ vulnerable adults and we have a duty to protect and serve the service users to the best of our ability. Related reading: Explain Legal and Organisational Requirements for Dealing With ComplaintsTask B: 2. Know how to address conflicts or dilemmas that may arise between an individuals rights and your duty of care Complete the following table: Example of potential conflict or dilemma (Ref: 2. 1)Where to get additional support and advice (Ref 2. 2) 1. A resident who is refusing to eat or drink anything Try to persuade them to eat or drink, calmly explain the importance of them eating and drinking, if that fails report to a senior member of staff and document the situation. 2. A resident who is being violent, abusive or un-cooperative.Give them time to calm down , be patient and try and make them feel safe and supported. Maybe there’s a reason behind the abuse and violence? Try and get to the bottom of it?. Talk to a senior member of staff and document the episodes maybe there’s a pattern. 3. A resident is refusing to shower or wash or have their clothes changed. Calmly expla in the importance of washing and personal hygiene see if it helps if not document and report to a senior member of staff. Task C: 3. Know how to respond to complaints. For this task please explain the following: 1.The main points of agreed procedures for handling complaints in adult settings (3. 1) Policies and procedures are in place to be followed, we have a complaints procedure which is easily accessible to service users and their prospective families. We have them easily accessible so that the service users know that they have a right to have an opinion and there are ways for them to be heard. 2. How would you respond to a complaint (3. 2) Following the complaints procedure I would report the complaint to a senior member of staff and document the complaint as necessary.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
The Field of Religious Studies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Field of Religious Studies - Assignment Example Evaluation skills also employ analysis skills such as semiotics and hermeneutical (Kessler 26). Explanations according to some scholars have the same meaning as interpretation. It is the comprehension gained through interpretation of data within a religious context. Explanation is independent and resistant to theory influence as opposed to unstable description and interpretation. Explanation can also be functional, structural or causal all of which assist in appealing arguments advanced in religious discipline. Interpretation also integrates the comparative aspects of the determination of the meaning of a religious data. Interpretation comprises of evaluation, explanation, and comparative studies. There is a close relationship between a descriptive analysis of religious theory and its interpretation. Pure description requires integration of interpretation and evaluation skills. Some research hypothesis accepts that explanation and understanding presents the most efficient platform for comprehension of religious literature and theory. Approach of explanation and understanding integrates the phenomenology of religion subject in self-generation of ethical arguments. Phenomenology discipline helps in self-generation of spiritual knowledge, which is imperative, as nonreligious theories cannot explain religious ideas (Kessler 23). Phenomenology discipline is more applicable than reductionism concepts that some scholars
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
How new are the 'new wars' Evaluate Kaldor's thesis with respect to Essay
How new are the 'new wars' Evaluate Kaldor's thesis with respect to both the newness of the empirical trends she identifies and - Essay Example Mary Kaldor coined the term new war in her 1999 book ‘New and Old Wars’. Kaldor’s new war thesis is the most widely acknowledged in the new war debates. Kaldor described new war â€Å"as being increasingly fought over new identities rather ideologies, by non-state combatants rather than regular state armies, engaging in attacks on the civilian population rather than direct military encounters, and undermining rather than building the sate†(Rigterink 2012, n.p.). The thesis has been critics savaged especially on the empirical ground. This paper evaluates the Kaldor’s thesis with respect to the newness of the empirical trends identified in trying to answer that question whether new war are really new. The two world wars especially the Second World War made it necessary that globally systems be put in place to address any inter- states conflicts and civil wars. There has been a large success in addressing inter-states conflicts and wars, but clearly co nflicts and violence has not been banished (World Bank 2011, cited in Kaldor 2013). The increase of different actors in wars: criminal gangs, mercenary groups, local warlords and paramilitary units only contribute to make wars more complex (Kaldor 2006, p.9). The emerging trend of new wars is characterized by increased violence and a higher ratio of civilian to the military casualties. Munkler (2002, p. 15) adds that the new wars are â€Å"more bloody than any other kind of war since 1945.†According to Kaldor (2006, p.9), the ratio of civilians to military combats have increased from 1:8 in old wars to about 8:1in the new wars. In her article, In defense of new wars, Kaldor says that new wars are a means to elucidating the logic of contemporary war with the aim of offering a research strategy and guide to policy (Kaldor 2013). She argues that new wars need not be looked only in terms of its empirical basis; otherwise, truth will be lost. She, however, agrees that some of the critics are indeed valid but then the existence of new wars should not be lost so that the political elements of the wars can be addressed (Kaldor 2013). How new is the new war thesis? Kadlor argues that the wars we are experiencing today are indeed different in character from the old interstate wars. She gives a distinction between the old and the new war with respect to a complex of non-state actors; irregular participants and fighting; violence targeting civilians; prevalence of identity politics; widespread criminality; absence of centralized states directions; and transnational networks participation in providing financing, soldiers, and weapons (Kaldor 2006). Critics, however, argue that there is nothing new about the stated elements that indeed all have been experienced in various past conflicts. The truth is that the elements described are not entirely new but what Kadlor intended in proposing the new war thesis was that new strategy need to be embraced in researching the p resent conflicts and in policymaking (Kadlor, 2013). Critics, for example, that the states are being involved in today’s war will misses the point of the new war logic, since the new war thesis only offers input that a new trend of non-state actors are being drawn into the war without refuting the fact that states actors are still operation. Therefore, it would be important that one concludes that though new war have emerged it does not imply that the old forms of wars are no longer in play.
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