Sunday, May 17, 2020
Changing Behaviors Of Children From Violent Media
Giulianna Castronova Professor Slaby CMP 101-01 22 April, 2016 Changing Behaviors of Children due to Violent Media During childhood, children learn behaviors that some may obtain for the rest of their lives. Children are some of the most vulnerable humans when it comes to watching higher figures of their lives doing something, most likely you will find that child doing the same exact thing a day later. Whether they are learning these habits from their parents, older siblings, favorite television show, or a video game; they see these actions as a chance to do something new that is done by one of the things they look up to most. Since children are young, this also means they are not educated enough to know right from wrong, for the most part. In today’s society, parents are very busy and unaware of what their children are doing in their free time. Children spend a lot of their time receiving entertainment from harsh media that can cause a behavioral change. If parents continue not monitoring their children’s sources of entertainment, it can potentially affect our society on a much la rger scale later on. Media violence is creating a serious problem in how it is affecting children today and needs to be looked at in a deeper perspective. Violent media is the viewing of aggressive behavior and attitudes that a character shows towards another character shown in television shows, video games, movies and more. This media contains materials like war, killing others, stealingShow MoreRelatedProtecting Children from Television Violence Essays1405 Words  | 6 PagesSummary #1 Television violence, and media violence in general, has been a controversial topic for several years. The argument is whether young children are brainwashed into committing violent real-world crimes because of violent and pugnacious behavior exposed in mass media. In his article â€Å"No Real Evidence for TV Violence Causing Real Violence†, Jonathan Freedman, a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto and author of â€Å"Media Violence and Its Effect on Aggression: Assessing the ScientificRead MoreYouth Violence: Is the Media to Blame?1514 Words  | 7 PagesYouth Violence: Is the Media to Blame? COM/156 07/27/13 Mallory Dunkley Youth Violence: Is the Media to Blame? Not all children who watch violent programming get in trouble with the law; some feel that there is a strong direct link between the two. There is a good deal of compelling data that suggests that there is a direct link between the media and youth violence. Throughout our history, the media has and can influence people in different ways but the more obvious questionRead MoreMedia Essay1335 Words  | 6 PagesOGarro Media and Society Professor Stephanie Morrow Media portrayal of sex and violence between today and my past. Media is a mode of communication which acts to be a link between the people in today’s society. There were many different issues presented between today and earlier days in the case of media portrayal of sex and violence. Today the media represents the stories of sex and violence in every single newspaper, video, radio and channels as opposed to the past, the media was consideredRead MoreViolent Video Games Should Be Banned Essay1432 Words  | 6 Pagestechnology of violent video game become more and more advanced. The effects of media violence on video games has been increasing in people’s daily life. It is still be an issue and have a lot of debate on whether or not violent video games should be banned. In this essay, violent video games can be defined by RWJF Blog Team as those video game which represent violence as the best or only way to resolve conflict.( Pioneering ideas 2010). This essay will discussed by two reasons for violent video gameRead MoreVideo Games And Violent Violence1345 Words  | 6 Pages On television, iPads, cell phones, and even specially made devices for babies and children. Video games are interwoven with our daily lives. For many, it is just an innocent way to relax or enjoy themselves. For others, it has become an addiction in which they cannot escape. Not all video games are violent, but what about those that are? Does society have an obligation to monitor every type of video game children and adults play simply because they believe it may lead to acts of violence? PsychologistsRead MoreThe Rights Of Violent Media1299 Words  | 6 Pagesidea of changing the protection that violent media receives in light of the first amendment is not justifiable. It begins with a general outline of Hurley’s claim on violent entertainment. It will then focus more closely on the reasons why it is unjustifiable to limit this form of entertainment by showing the importance of free speech in a free society. Lastly, it will question the â€Å"empirical data†that Hurley uses to defend her claim. Hurley claims that violent entertainment causes violent behaviorRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Video Games1714 Words  | 7 PagesThey have changed society and will likely keep changing it for a long time. Though they are usually associated with a positive connotation, there are people who think differently. Since it’s inception, media has also been associated with manipulating the impressionable minds of children, particularly violent media. In the past, it’s been violent literature. Nowadays, it’s been violent video games and movies. The criticisms of these particular forms of media have been because of their graphic and realisticRead More Exposure to Media Violence Essay1460 Words  | 6 Pagesthoroughly researched. Various conclusions can be drawn from multiply sources, though as of yet there has been no one final conclusion as to the nature of the relationship. Some research has studied how media violence can affect other aspects of behaviour, such as memory (Bushman 1988), or the long-term effects that it can have from early childhood, to adolescence (Huesmann, Eron, Klein, Brice Fischer (1983). If it was proved that exposure to media violence increased the likelihood of aggressive behaviourRead MoreThe Effects Of Media On Youth Violence911 Words  | 4 PagesMedia: According to the World Health Organization, more than 1.6 million individuals lose their life to violence each year (32). The mass media delivers messages to communicate with individuals and structure the world. The television, a newspaper, the radio, and the computer are just a few ways the media channels daily activity among everyone. The public opinion on youth violence is interrupted and misunderstood. Youth violence is seen as a problem only when it is aired on the news daily. But whenRead MoreMedia Violence and Effects on the American Family Essay1226 Words  | 5 PagesFacts About Media Violence and Effects on the American Family * In 1950, only 10% of American homes had a television and by 1960 the percentage had grown to 90%. Today 99% of homes have a television. In fact, more families own a television than a phone. (1) * 54% of U.S. children have a television set in their bedrooms. (2) * Children spend more time learning about life through media than in any other manner. The average child spends approximately 28 hours a week watching television
Security Problems Security And Security - 1923 Words
Abstract Security is beneficial to every company, spending nothing on security may save your business money in the short term but you only have to look back at the consequences Epsilon suffered due to lack of a quality security configuration making an estimated $4 billion loss due to negligence in their own network security system. Contents Abstract 1 Introduction 1 DBA 1 Security threats 2 Security breach examples 3 Security software 3 Security planning 3 Implementation 5 Authentication 5 Legislation 5 References 6 Bibliography 6 Introduction Security is a major factor in computing today with so many companies if not all nowadays with a computer system of some sort from a basic customer database to a say confidential hospital†¦show more content†¦(, 2016) Security threats The top 3 security risks as of 2015 were as follows: - Excessive and unused privileges When an employee is granted database privileges that surpass the requirements of their position, these excessive privileges could be abused. In example, a bank employee whose job requires the ability to change only basic account holder contact info could take advantage of excessive database privileges and add funds to their account balances or of a colleague’s savings account. Further, when someone changes position within a business or leaves it, usually his or her access rights to sensitive data do not change. In the latter case, if these employees depart on bad terms, they can use their old access privileges to commandeer high value data or inflict damage in a revenge attack. This tends to happen because privilege control mechanisms for job roles were not well defined or maintained. Therefore, employees may be granted generic or default access privileges that surpass their actual job requirements, or even when they just accumulate such privileges over time changing positions within the business. (Anon, 2016) Privilege
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Personal Nutrition Analysis Essay - 1788 Words
Proper nutrition is important in maintaining a long and healthy life. Most Americans are rushed due to their busy work schedules, and do not take the time to plan their diets properly. Like me, most Americans are unaware of the importance of eating a healthy diet and consume too many foods without the proper nutrients. Throughout my life I have been fortunate. I have not had any major health problems, and have been able to consume most foods without having to worry about gaining weight. These last two years, however, I started to gain weight and have become concerned with my diet. Changing my poor eating habits has been difficult for me, however, having this assignment has taught me that it is not as difficult as I previously†¦show more content†¦On my current diet, I consume excessive amounts of refined carbohydrates and added sugars. These types of carbohydrates do not contain the necessary nutrients, needed by the body for optimal health. Also, consuming excessive amounts of these types of carbohydrates may result in obesity. The DRI recommends that I consume a minimum of 25 grams of fiber daily. My current intake of dietary fiber falls short of meeting my recommended amount. Fiber is important in a healthy diet. It is beneficial in maintaining good digestive health and with prevention of diseases, including colon and rectal cancer. Adequate amounts of fiber also decrease the risk of heart disease by lowering the amount of LDL cholesterol within the blood. My current caloric intakes, varies from day to day. On some days, I exceeded the DRI’s recommendations; however, my caloric intake most often fell below the recommended amounts. Both of these are important in maintaining a healthy body weight. Consuming too many calories can cause weight gain. In addition, consuming inadequate calories can have the same effect. Since calories are used as the main source of energy within the body, consuming too few calories can slow down the body’s metabolism, making it difficult to maintain a proper body weight. Although the DRI has not determined a set value for fat intake, my intake of fat is high. A major problem with my current fat intake is that it is rich inShow MoreRelatedHealth and Wellness Education841 Words  | 4 Pages*Health And* Wellness Education HWE 100 HUMAN NUTRITION 3 CREDITS Introduces basic principles of nutrition with emphasis on personal nutrition. Satisfies nutrition requirement of students entering healthcare professions. HWE 108 WEIGHT LOSS 1 CREDIT Focuses on combining a healthy diet and exercise to shed unwanted pounds and inches. The course will include online sessions that will focus on personal habits including diet that lead to weight gain and exercise session appropriateRead MoreRandom1474 Words  | 6 Pages Personal Food Diary Guidelines Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to increase self-awareness of the student by analyzing personal nutritional intake and activity routine throughout the course. In turn, the student will be able to help others modify their diet and activity, and improve overall wellness. An examination of a personal food and activity assessment will provide the student with essential data from which to change their health and wellness behaviors. Course Outcomes This assignmentRead MoreCommunity Service Reflection1123 Words  | 5 PagesPS282B Community Psychology Community Service-Learning In-Service Reflection Describe the experience/situation in some detail (e.g., What happened? What led up to the event? Who was involved? Where did it happen?). My placement is with Nutrition for Learning (NFL) which is a program the provides breakfast to all students (regardless of socioeconomic status), so that they have the opportunity to eat breakfast which fuels their learning in school. I have my placement at a local public school in theRead MoreThe Importance of Developing Nutrition Programs for University Students in Halifax1665 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction and Background This research will try to use quantitative method to find the associations among fast food consumption, body weight and nutrition education level. Aim of this research is to understand determinants that contribute to this education situation in Halifax. Furthermore, result of this paper may provide the direction of public health promotion. Literature Review In recent years, studies have focused on factors which may influence fast food consumption and weight gain amongRead MoreThe Theory Of Knowledge F Social Scientifically Research1741 Words  | 7 PagesResearch Methods The theoretical orientation of this research will focus on the theory of knowledge f the social scientifically research. The approach will examine the relationship between the level of exercise and personal health, which will illustrate whether the individual s personal health is impacted by his/her level of exercise or if there are additional variables that might effect this causal relationship. The significance of the study review the issues and factors, whether increasing an individual`sRead MorePersonal Dietary Intake Paper : Fiber And Protein1430 Words  | 6 PagesPersonal Dietary Intake Paper Introduction The purpose of this paper is to analyze my personal dietary intake as a way of better understanding the ways in which the foods I consumer are helping or hurting my overall nutrition and health. This project is about understanding how consuming too much or too little of particular nutrients can be unhealthy and do harm to one s body over time. Even more, this project is about dispelling some of the myths that are present about nutrient consumption inRead MoreNutrition and Physical Activity Essay673 Words  | 3 Pageslives, which was evident in the manner in which they ate and the daily labor brought about by a different era of time and living. Within society today, nutrition and physical activity are not of the same importance as historically it was to so many individuals. The research question of appeal is does physical activity and nutrition play a key component in maintaining a healthy lifestyle? The independent variable, is the amount of healthy nutrients and physical activity decrease theRead MoreDescribe The Structure And Function Of The Digestive System970 Words  | 4 PagesP1 Describe nutrition, including nutritional requirements using recommended guidelines from public health sources associated with nutrition Nutrition macronutrients †¢ carbohydrates, †¢ proteins, †¢ fats Nutrition micronutrients †¢ vitamins, †¢ fibre Research and define nutritional requirements †¢ Recommended Daily Allowance, RDA †¢ Optimum Level, OL †¢ Safe Intake, SI †¢ Estimated Average Requirements, EAR To achieve P1: Write a report or essay that describes nutrition. Part 1 StructureRead MoreThe Food And Nutrition Service928 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction Nutrition is important for families and their children because it is what helps them grow and develop. Having poor nutrition can cause health problems such as heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, and many other diseases. Good nutrition promotes healthy weight, good energy levels, good immune system, and reduced risk of disease that poor nutrition causes. Sadly, not all families can provide their children with the proper nutrition that is vital for their well-being but, fortunatelyRead MoreAptamil Marketing Environment Analysis888 Words  | 4 Pagesessay is to analyze the marketing environment in which Apamil Nutrition baby formula operates. Furthermore, to distinguish a target market for the Follow-on Formula and also regulate how the offer is positioned in the Australian market. Aptamil Nutrition is a New Zealand baby formula company, that originates from a small family business established in 1921 in Friedrichsdorf, Germany. Aptamil has developed as a world pioneer in Infant Nutrition (About Us, 2017). The follow-on formula, produces a milk
Role of Woman During the Revolutionary War - 1133 Words
Role of Woman During the Revolutionary War Have you noticed that in most history text books that the role of woman was never truly expressed in detail? Of corse we have heard of Gorge Washington, John Adams, male solders of the Revolutionary war, high ranking officers and the generals; what about the wives? What were the woman’s roles during these times? We should know that all woman were inferior to men, they had responsibilities and rights based on there social status. Most woman stayed home to take care of the children and their home duties, wile there husbands were away at war. Becoming a solder was out of the question, but of corse some woman went with their husbands, brothers or fathers. Disguised as men these†¦show more content†¦She was shown a sketch of the flag that was wanted that had a six pointed star. But she showed them how to cut a five pointed star in one cut, impressed with that she was appointed to make the flag. She finished the flag around May 1776. On June 14, 1777 Congress adopted the flag. Woman during the Revolution were cooks and maids for both British and American armies. They had almost no restricted access to the camps of the soldiers. The woman were never suspected of providing troop movements, changes in leadership, and shortages. They would often tell colony leaders or go to General Washington directly and proved this information. Nancy Morgan Hart was a very effective agent. She gathers information about the British army in Augusta, Georgia. She also helped defend a fort from assault by a group of Tories (an american colonist who supported the british during the Revolutionary war) and Native Americans. African-American woman also played a big part during the Revolutionary War. Although no actual documents exist telling us this, but diaries and stories help us place them there. They helped support the militia (a military force that was used in emergency). They also moved in with the wives of the men that were in battle, and supported them when they needed it. Spying was also a huge part by the African-American woman. They kept the Colonial authorities informed about that the British armies next moves. During the battles theShow MoreRelatedThe Revolution Of Mothers During The War851 Words  | 4 Pagesgender roles portrayed throughout the revolutionary war were overly romanticized and usually watered down. While in reality women shared the same roles as the adult males. Revolutionary mothers focus on the roles women played throughout the war. Whether it was different social divisions or different ethnicities, each woman portrayed a real role throughout the war. Originally, According to Berkin gender amnesia is the erased contributions of adult females in the revolutionary war. AsRead MoreRevolutionary Mothers : Women During The Struggle For America s Independence By Carol Berkin1612 Words  | 7 Pagesof the book Revolutionary Mothers: Women in the struggle for America’s independence by Carol Berkin. This comprised of details on women who had been involved in struggling to fulfill the independence of America. Women played their role at facing or creating impact towards the war. This outlines on myriad of women,s lives as well as getting to know the obstacles that they encountered during the war. This aids in bringing out the idea that not only men who played vital roles during the war, but alsoRead MoreWomen During The Revolutionary War1197 Words  | 5 Pagesdispute. Women have struggled to fit into the military life for years. Even though woman have fought alongside men in each key battle from the start of the American Revolution, they still find it hard to shake the stereo types about woman who serve. Woman have always had to cloak themselves in a masquerade of sorts to serve alongside men. When woman were finally accepted into the military, they were given secondary roles to the men. The Pentagon has just recently began to realize that gender really doRead MoreThe War Of Independence And The American Revolutionary War943 Words  | 4 Pagesor also known as the U.S War of Independence and the American Revolutionary War took place during 1775 to 1783. The Revolution was a conflict arose from the residents of Great Britain’s 13 colonies and the colonial government. The Revolution brought drastic changes to the lives of women. While the men were away at war, women would stay home, and take over the jobs men had before the war. As time flew by, women started taking roles in the Revolutionary War, examples of roles women took place in were:Read MoreThe Importance of Women Linda K. Kerbers Women of the Republic: Intellect and Ideology in Revolutionary America1006 Words  | 5 PagesIntellect and Ideology in Revolutionary America, Linda K. Kerber explores the contribution of women to the war and demonstrates the rising of â€Å"Republican Motherhood†during and following the war. Through this ideology, women merged their traditional roles with their new sense of civic duty. In the beginning chapters, Kerber examines women’s engagement in the war effort, explores the emerging idea of female patriotism and states the proper loyalties of married women during the time. Kerber then looksRead MoreWomen Of The Republic : The Revolutionary Era1429 Words  | 6 PagesRevolutionary Era Dr. Paul Grady Eric G. Shuping Book Review #1 March 17, 2015 Women of the Republic The American Revolution was a stepping-stone towards helping to change women’s role in society. Women of the Republic explains to readers the radicalism that Republican Mothers had a hand in during the creation of America at the time of the Revolution. Kerber shows that the American Revolution was able to help ignite the alterations that women were fighting for to prove that they belonged equallyRead MoreThe Effect Of The War On The American Revolution1296 Words  | 6 PagesAmerican Revolution as the war that freed America from the control of Great Britain. This was an important turn of events during that time because the British empire was considered one of the strongest empires. In addition, Great Britain colonized America. So for a new nation as small as they were to defeat one of the strongest empires shocked the world. The American Revolution was revolutionary for the colonists because it gave them freedom. The effect of the war was revolutionary to major groups as wellRead MoreThe Struggle For America s Independence By Carol Berkin984 Words  | 4 PagesThe book, Revolutionary Mothers, Women in the Struggle for America’s Independence, by Carol Berkin, was published in 2005. This book is a history book that focuses on women during the American Revolution years. Women played an active and vital role in the war, even though we are often not aware of this because most history books completely leave out the great contributions of women during the revolution. Ms. Berkin begins her introduction explaining her purpose and thesis for writing the book. InRead MoreRevolutionary Mothers784 Words  | 4 PagesBerkin, Carol Revolutionary Mothers: Women in the Struggle for America’s Independence Knopp, Alfred A.: Random House Pp. 194 In Revolutionary Mothers: Women in the Struggle for America’s Independence the author, Carol Berken, revisits the Revolutionary War exploring the many diverse roles that the women of all ethnicities, cultures, and classes were called upon to assume during the eight year struggle for independence. Most often when we address the Revolution the focus is on the notableRead MoreThe Fight Of The American Revolution For Independence1262 Words  | 6 Pageswomen who were caught up in the struggle for Americas sovereignty. Throughout the eighteen century, while the revolution war was taking place. These women had to play a vital role in order to be successful in captivating the fight of the American revolution for independence. Distanced from the role men were required to play. Women who were wives, mothers, and daughters. â€Å"Revolutionary Mothers†written by author Carol Berkin. Copyrighted in 2005 is an extraordinary biography that is very knowledgeable
E-Business Applications Of IGA Samples †
Question: Discuss about the E-Business Applications Of IGA. Answer: Introduction Retail Business is in its big transformation phase. From offline to online, the business model is now more concerned about customer engagement and impacted by the huge data generated by customer during the purchase process (So et al., 2016). In this context, IGA (Independent Grocers Alliance) is an important example as it has adopted offline and online channel and redefining the high tech mix of Omni-channel retail. About IGA (supermarkets) IGA is an USA supermarket brand established in 1926 and operating in more than 30 countries. It works on franchise model. In Canada, it is supplied by Sobeys and in Australia it is owned by Metcash. The alliance includes about 5000 supermarkets all over the world. IGA, after a long journey from 1926 to 2010; it went digital in 2011. IGA stores got personalised website and mobile application with in built feature of progressive shopper marketing tool. IGA banner includes different other brands like IGA-extra, IGA-express and IGA-mini. After introduction of online grocery shopping, the revenue of IGA has increased by 15%. In 2015, IGA launched a brand new version of online grocery (IGA, 2017). IGA Online Experience The online grocery journey of IGA had started long back in 1996 in Canada, in Quebec. Then at first go, 50 stores participated in that project and within first week 50 orders were filled online. Now, in Canada, over one million orders are filled every year. There is a dedicated team working for ensuring the better experience of online grocery at IGA. They focus on the better delivery of grocery items at customers doorstep. IGA, through their online mode always showcase local producers and made shopping experience more personalised and convenient. In an era where being digital was considered be to out of consideration zone, IGA has introduced it to retail business and got the first mover advantage in Canada. Consumers got first experience of online purchase of their daily grocery and experienced the exciting convenience of online shopping (IGA, 2016). To provide better online experience, IGA has strategically adopted its online grocery in different platforms namely online grocery, online buffet, specific mobile app and tablet app. IGA mobile app provides access to all products which are in stores and consumers can place their orders and make a smart list with all information security. The smart lists enable different shopping list, enabled modification of previous list, sharing of the list and then secure payment option; altogether it redefines the online grocery purchase experience from the aspect of planning and reality. IGA provides consultation option with option of weekly recipes from their empaneled chiefs. To reward loyal customers, IGA recently launched IGA Stamps and offers customer to redeem their collected IGA stamps in exchange with selected items. IGA online shopping provides consumers a better experience in terms of providing scan functionality, product recommendations, store locators and personalised flyer (Cardwell , 2015). With this improved approach of serving customers in this data friendly and digital world, IGA opens up huge opportunities in the context of understanding better consumer insights and behaviours from their online purchasing behaviour. The online channel adoption enabled IGA to provide better personal buying experience, interaction with providers, proper feedback mechanism and a simplified purchasing experience (IGA, 2017). With this Omni-channel approach IGA provides a broader scope of selection to their customers, better reachability aspect and providing customers more personalised and suggestive purchasing experience. Experts from IGA always regarded this investment in online IGA project as creating lifetime customers for IGA. Recently launched IGA Go by IGA is designed to meet shoppers need for an easy, simple and convenient online ordering platform (IGA, 2017). This online approach of consumer serving has provided a scope of learning about consumer through using data analytics. IGA has widely adopted the use of data analytics tool to know about the consumers choice, expectations, behaviour during online purchase and many more complex aspects. All these amplified the opportunity of IGA to understand their potential customer and prospects in better manner with regard to product offering and better customer experience (Cardwell, 2015). IGA has redefined the in-store and online grocery purchasing experience through adopting technology and implementing at every-level. It has provided them a position of competitive advantage. In retail context, while other competitors were trying to improve in-store experience, IGA have thought about adopting online grocery and provided customer a wider variety of choice, easy, simple and enjoyable grocery purchasing experience (Melis et al., 2015). Conclusion In conclusion, it can be said that adopting digital channel where the business model is excessively dependent on physical channel, IGA had taken and successfully implemented the digital channel. It has given IGA a better revenue generation opportunity, happy customer base and unique brand image in the industry (Caprice Rey, 2015). References So, K. K. F., King, C., Sparks, B. A., Wang, Y. (2016). Enhancing customer relationships with retail service brands: The role of customer engagement.Journal of Service Management,27(2), 170-193. IGA (2017). About IGA. Retrieved 25 September 2017, from Caprice, S., Rey, P. (2015). Buyer power from joint listing decision.The Economic Journal,125(589), 1677-1704. IGA (2016). IGA Launches New Program for Groceries Online. Retrieved 25 September 2017, from Cardwell, M. (2015). IGA improves online shopping experience. Retrieved 17 September 2017, from Melis, K., Campo, K., Breugelmans, E., Lamey, L. (2015). The impact of the multi-channel retail mix on online store choice: Does online experience matter?.Journal of Retailing,91(2), 272-288.
The Process of Buying Your First Car free essay sample
The Process in Buying Your First Car The process of buying a brand new car can be a thrilling and exhilarating experience. Whether you are the first time car buyer looking for a reliable car to get you around town or a seasoned car buying expert, having the most up to date information and advice on the car buying process can be a definite advantage. Before you start looking to buy a car there are some things you will need to come to a decision on, such as, how much you can afford, whether to buy a new or used one and whether to pay cash or finance. First, you will need to decide what makes and models you are interested in, than do as much research on that type of auto as you can. Read reviews, consumer reports, ask your colleagues and friends, compare the optional equipment on each car, gather gas consumption data on the make and model you’re interested in. We will write a custom essay sample on The Process of Buying Your First Car or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Examine the reliability ratings. Try to determine the maintenance costs and upkeep. Next, make a list of what you are looking for in a car. You should decide what color, appearance, style, vehicle type such as an SUV, sedan, or coupe. Choose whether an automatic or a manual transmission. What kind of gas mileage, the number of passenger seating, how much storage capacity? What is the reliability rating and what safety features are included with the auto. Then you should write down what it is you need in a car. Write the needs down first and then write down what you want. You can then prioritize your list by rank of importance. You should decide how much you are willing to pay for the car and do not deviate from it in any way. Decide whether you’re going to buy from a dealership, a private owner, or from an auction. Whether you have a trade-in, pay cash or finance? This can influence how much you are willing to pay. This could be what determines whether you buy a new or used, economy or luxury auto. Then narrow down your prospects to just a few to choose from. This will help you when you start looking for which dealerships to go to or advertisements to look at.
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